Last saturday was Halloween party part deux. This time I was Marilyn Monroe, and it worked out fairly well. After a failed attempt at 737, a club I am yet to haev the patience to wait in line for, we headed off to Cafe Campus, saw the line then darted to Vol de Nuit. Surprisingly we were the only ones in costume... but hey whatever. Made soem new friends with guys up from Dartmoth, took them to Bifteck, then dumped htem there for some other newer friends. In the end had a great time with the group and didn't get home until an inappropriately late time... All I can say is, "thank you daylight savings!"
Lately I haven't been up to much, just a load of work. If this week doesn't kill me, than I will definitely just end up a butchered mess. But hey, what else is school for. And what better way to take advantage of mild insomnia than putting it to work? I have however gotten into the even more severe habit of turning off my alarm in my sleep. Since I don't actually have a clock radio, or any other alarm clock to speak of I am using my cell phone. Bad idea, despite the fact that it is hidden on the otherside of the room, without fail I find it in my sleep and bury it under the pillow beside me. Lately I have been rather adept at changing the ring tone and adding new 'numbers' to my contacts list. This must stop... but I haven't quite figured out how to do it... hmmm.
The greatest acomplishment of my week will be yet to come... I, yes I, Sara Booth am going to clean my room tonight. Just rest on that thought for a moment... then move on and check up on me later.
Last but not least, a quote I saw written on the condemed building on Ste Catherine's near the Atwater mall, "I will love my wife and 'my' child forever". Apparently this wifey was having some fun with the milk man... really all that can be said to that is, why on earth would one man want to make that known?
You shouldn't lie to people like that! It's not like you're actually going to clean your room...you just wanted Mom to think you clean your room.
Ah my dear sister... little do you know.. but cleaning is indeed a good way to avoid doing anything else. My room is now noticably cleaner than yesterday, which for me constitutes a cleaning job well done :)
Oh Sara I do know, yesterday I cleaned the stove AND the microwave to avoid studying :) Congrats on the cleaner (I won't say clean) room!
Do you miss Teresa? Someday you will have a Teresa - I promise!!
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