Quiz time

I ask you, please look at this closely and tell me what you think. Yellow? Orange? As references you can loo up things like the definition of orange and yellow on dictionary.com, and the crayola website... it has been used to support one specific opinion. Don't try the visa website, they don't list it... I have however emailed them!
Ok kids, it's up to you... what colour is this much loved and hated symbol?
It`s obvious: MUSTARD
I agree with Max, it's a mustard colour...so yellowish.
You guys are close but no cigar... I'll give it 2 more days... then I'll post the response from Visa. Think people THINK!!!
no no no.. it is definately PUKE colour..mustard is lighter than that you sillys!
Hi Sara,
I was sent your email in order to respond.
This might seem a little picky, however, one of you is close, but technically, neither is correct.
Our official colours are Blue and Gold.
Depending on the reproduction quality, the Gold might seem either yellow or orange, however, it is not.
Michael Stephenson
And there you have it GOLD... way to dance around the answer Michael!
...my vote is still for puke colour. Gold is supposed to be PRETTY and shineeey! What are they thinnkkking!
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