Celebrity face recognition
In my indelible goal of procrastination I have been introduced to a website that scans a picture of you and tells you the top 10 celebrities that look like you. Please check it out... endless laughs since it matches you to numerous male and female celebrities... Mark Burnham, I ran your pic, you look most like Emma Watson (Hermione from Harry Potter). How special is that?!
After running the following pic of me from last year when I was messing around with my camera I got these top 10 matches:
70% Jodie Foster

67% Neve Campbell
67% Dalida
65% Elizabeth Taylor
65% Viven Leigh
65% Audrey Tautou
64% Christina Aguilera
63% Liv Tyler
63% Angelina Jolie
62% Alain Delan
Now if only I looked like that everyday!
Try it for yourself, it's incredible fun...
Celebrity face recognition
p.s. Random photos of non-human things don't work. I tried running a picture of a monkey and it said there were no matches, but if you can match an animal to a person... you get a prize!
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