Home, is where the heart is... and everytime I try to return to my heartland a motherf-ing snowstorm shows up! A record snowfall this time around. Luckily there was only laround oh.... 30 cm when I was trying to leave the city. All but the trains were cancelled and most schools were shut down - those from Montreal will know that that means BIG! Thankfully I had my trusty roomie Meghan to help me carry my luggage and 2 animals down du Fort and flag down a taxi in the massive blizardy weather. I got there around 9 am, train leaving at 9.40. Or perhaps 10... maybe even 10.20.. oh no that's what's wrong.. they told us to stand in the wrong line! Now we're ready to board... or not. It took a track change and numerous attempts to clear the tracks and unfreeze the swtiches before we boarded and started to move out of the city around 11 am. Oh well, not like I had anything else to do anyways. In the end I sat beside a girl that talks more than I do, and shares the saem adoration for text messaging and k-y warming lube. Good times on train 57.
That was Friday night, ran off to Toronto Saturday for a family function in the champagne room at 'the club' on Sunday. And tonight - Monday - is my first night to hang out with friends! So a movie it is!

On another note... went to the optomotrist today. He gave me eyedrops to dilate my pupils. For most of today whilst shopping with my mom I looked like a glossy eyed crack baby. And yes there were looks... I decided to take a picture, but it is many hours later so the pupils have started to go back to normal. Still you get the idea...
Till next time kids, don't be shy now, gimme a ring on the home phone, an email, or drop a line on here!
i prefer shark girl to crack baby. Sharks have big pupils and are more pleasant on the whole than crack babies.
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