CSI: Miami buys chocolate milk!

The really exciting stuff happened after that though. As I told you prior I have recently learnt how to play poker, Meghan has too as of yesterday. Now poker wouldn't be the same if you weren't betting for something. Being students money is on the low side so we have decided to play for dares instead. Poor Meg lost this round and had to go buy chocolate milk from Provigo around 1.30 am wearing a 'mask' of Horatio from CSI: Miami (the incredibly creepy red headed one). For obvious reasons the night security guard was a little iffy about the whole thing and just kept his eyes locked on Meghan, ready to jump at any moment. The cashier just gave her a funny face, and we're not talking the haha kind. Hopefully for her Meghan's poker playing skill will get better, or Domer's will worsen.
Word from Horatio: Well now, don't I look...sharp
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