After sleeping over at the girl’s very comfortable apartment, a group of us met up for brunch at Place Milton. Honestly a first for me, and my poor over abused stomach had problems dealing with the food. Alas grease was not going to remedy this one. Ah well, back home I went to rest, shower and do those pesky chores until it was time to leave for the outing of the night. This time the much anticipated birthday of Ashley! Ok, so perhaps we’re a few weeks late but hey, better late than never right? The 30 people (two of which whom were also celebrating) all agreed that although late on the celebration a birthday is a birthday and it deserves the fun no matter what. And all of the birthday girls got fried penis’ (bananas) for desert.
There was however an issue raised. Does anyone know what this is? We know it must be a vegetable because it was in the vegetarian plate, but… wtf?! Someone enlightened me please!

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