Ok, so the highlight of my day today was going to be incredible. I had forgotten cheese - not that cheddar junk but real cheese - at my dad's house on my way back to Montreal. Because there was so much of it, and he himself is not much of a cheese man, he shipped it off to me. This fromidable package was supposed to arrive today. I even had Yosef (the new roomie) stay until around noon to greet the delivery man. But there was a hitch, you can not buzz up to apartments in my building so the defeated
Purolator man left a note in my mailbox and walked away head hung low. I arrived home and read the note... they had brought my package to a depot in Ville St-Pierre. But why?! I have no way of getting there. Would it not have been just as easy to drop it off downtown, and not in an industrial area hard to reach even by car?! They do have an office on Universite, I looked it up. I could have picked it up today even! Alas no, I had to call and get the package rerouted to the downtown office so I can pick it up tomorrow. The operator was obviously not interested in listening to me complain and took forever. The whole experience left me truly cheesed with the company and pining for my Stilton.
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