Double whammy
Since I didn't actually make it home last night I have decided to combine today and yesterday. It's still pretty early today but I forsee nothing else very notable happening today unless I make it happen, and in that regard I just don't have the want to do so. So here it is...
Yesterday I didn't make it to a couple of my classes simply becasue I haven't been sleeping well lately... My cough is preventing me from getting horizontal, annoying unless you sleep like a conehead. Since I don't, my lack of sleep has led to me sleeping through alarms/buses/ etc.. On the bright side, I did go to the most important bit of the day, my geology lab where I happily defaced minerals by scratching and squirting HCl solution on them. Note: don't let Max spray acid on mineral number 27 in the green box, it reeks of sulphur. Anyways, it's after this where gets exciting.
So on my way back on the shuttle I happen upon Ashley eatting a carrot. This is funny if you know her because it was an orange food item that is also healthy. Note, her favourite colour (see jacket) and she will very soon graduate a full fledged dietician ready to tell the world how to eat healthy! Our meeting was funny because we had planned to meet up for coffee that night anyways, this just avoided the hastle of me walking home then back over to her place. Since we were already together we decided dinner was more appropriate and called around to see who was free.

Sadly Dillon went to do groceries on discount Mondays at Provigo, Mic and his girlfriend went off to do whatever it is couples do and left Noam, Ashley and I to fend for ourselves. We recruited Connie in our mission and head to Santrapol for dinner.... mmmmm vegetarian salad. By the time dinner was over we had sobered up and couldn't be bothered with a bar and just sat at the girl's apartment and drank instead. So Noam and I ventured off to the dep and bought bottles of wine (mine was inspired by UFOs!). We all got comfortably drunk and I spent the night on the couch. Which brings us to today...
So being me I slept in ever so late missing my first class of the day. Which really is ok because I had already done most of the stuff we were covering in that class a few days before of my own free will. No biggie... Unfortunately I missed the shuttle by 3 minutes!!! And therefore also missed the class in which I only have 7 other classmates. So I will be noticably absent. However, once again I probably would have coughed through the whole thing anyways so perhaps better I stay home.To be perfectly honest I'm happy I missed it, otherwise I would have never seen the kids playing in the snow on the lower field. Does everyone remember those days? When your greatest worry in life was whether or not your parents noticed that you were short a mitten when you got home. Or how exhilerating it was to roll down a snowcovered hill, pound the snow at the bottom into a ball, which inevitably turns into a snowman, who doesn't stay together because it was the dry crap that fell the night before, not that lovely sticky stuff so you resort to eatting it because it's not yellow and better than the carrot you were going to use as Frosty's nose. Ashley will probably eat the carrot for you so don't worry it doesn't go to waste. Watching these kids was the next best thing to actually being there myself.
So I stood and watched like a proper creep.
I also got to see poor old Norman standing in all his glory in that poor excuse for a park on de Maisonneuve and Guy. The snow had covered all of the pigeon poo and some friendly city goer realised that yes, even Norman gets cold. He looked brilliant. Who would have known that he was a medical wonder and regarded as a hero in China?
A fun-filled adventure we had starting on our shuttle ride home, eh boothy?
Aha.. and yes.. i would for sure eat that carrot, just like I would eat the yellow snow since..believe it or not orange was not ALWAYS my favourite colour, but yellow was for quite a while when I was younger. I never let "dog-pee" snow get the better of me, it was YELLOW-YUMMY-BEST-COLOUR-EVER (at the time) snow!!
Does Seagull King of Pigeons still hang out with Norman? Whenever I walked by Norman in the DuFortress days, there was Seagull King of Pigeons, perched on Norman's head while the pigeons pecked about by the base of the statue... I hope that Seagull King of Pigeons is doing well. He was a seagull who knew where his towel was.
Sadly I have been watching for seagull king but only encountered him once in these past months. Perhaps he has gone onto bigger and better things. Otherwise there may have been an uprising and the pigeons amassed nto tear him down from the throne. I will keep my eyes peeled and let you know if he reappears.
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