Vieux Montreal

i. stay at home, do work and study;
ii. do a little sight seeing with Sarah and Jamie.
Really, what kind of a choice is that? So off to the Old Port we went. I hadn't been there since last year when Em and Matt came down so this was really exciting. Before we got too far we were bombarded by a group of people asking us to put silly hats on and pose for a picture, then there was the juggler/magician who paid us $2 US to stay and watch his act. Needless to say we stuck around, and enjoyed the show. Finally, strools along the waterfront, a quick peak at habitat, coffee in a shop along the cobblestone streets, and into Notre Dame. The night started with Thai, continued with drinking games at the apartment and was summed up by Brutopia and a stop at Sara's for 'za' on the way home. While Sarah and Jamie passed out in bed (only one more sleep till the hockey game), the roomies slowly filed back in from their night's and we were up late into the night.
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