Simple pleasures for a simple mind
People watching is a past time for me. I do it when I need to relax and just let my mind wonder. Some people may find it unsavoury and rude, but I tend to think that they haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet.
Yes, flat out staring is often considered a social faux pas, and not highly suggested when you're with an overbearing crowd. True, it can also make others feel uncomfortable and odd, but really, it doesn't do them any long term harm. In fact they sometimes get really amused by it, and if you're truly lucky they stare right back!
This habit started a long time ago when I was young and brought to church every Sunday. My dad always sat us in the very first pew to the right hand side of the church; assumedly so we could get a good view of the whole thing but not get in the way ourselves. This also happened to be in the perfect position to stare at the floor. When I was very small and couldn't see over the pew my world consisted of the kneeler, and shadow puppets I could make with my hands. Living in a church existence that was almost entirely auditory I had memorized everything the priest said, and the timing of that happy little chime.
As time passed and I got to be a much more adult height (at least according to my limited experience with height), I could see the floor on the otherside of the pew. My favourite part of this was when it was time to get the host. We always had to kneel and pray, which ment a lot of floor staring. Being in the front of the church also meant first dibs on J.C.'s 'body', the rest of the time was preserved for kneeling and praying. So for 10-15 mins every week I would watch as the rest of the church walked right past me recieving the host.
As they past I would stare at their shoes. I began to know parishoners by their shoes. It became quite a game in which by looking at a person's shoes I could get an idea of their general appearance regarding, age, clothing, stature , etc.
For instance, take the pair of feet below... Duckies, they are utilitarian (as are the jeans), the feet and ankles are small, and the stance is slightly wider. Hinting at a person who dresses casually, but for a purpose, and who is most likely female (small features and slightly wider stance indicating more feminine hips).

Low and behold, it's my roommate Meghan!

I even became convinced that one of the women was infact a man... Her feet were much too large for her body , the way she walked wasn't feminine and once I looked up she had a very square jaw. She just didn't fit with the rest of the women I observed in the church, the pieces just didn't jive.

From my church days I have graduated to watching people right up and down. Today I sadly missed the shuttle bus by only two minutes leaving me with another 40 to blow by. After checking my email I strolled down to the Roddick Gates (pictured to the right) and settled into my favourite spot between the 2nd and 3rd small pillars with my mug of coffee.
There I stood, noticing that about half of the student population travelling to school are still wearing toques, I only like sideslung bags when they hang around hip level (however smaller bags can pass lower downon the body on men in big coats), and many people feel uncomfortable standing by themselves looking useless.
Lately I think I may start doing more watching since the weather is getting better and there are no minimum or maximum times required. Preferably on a bench in a high traffic area, but slightly off, so people are at least a few feet away from me. And of course with a mug of coffee... because I do nothing without coffee. If all goes well and the weather holds true, people watching season should be in full swing by mid to late April. If you're interested in joining me for limited conversation and a few guilty stares call me up.
Till next time,
Those duckies are damn sexy..that girl has some fine fashion sense.
Haha.. I'm down for people-watching anytime Boothy! ;)
Happy Birthday Ash - a quarter of a century eh!!!
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