I bet you thought I had died... too bad.
Hey kids, I have returned!
I start with apologies for having neglected this page for the past month. Time has been ticking on my degree and I have been spending the last while preparing reports, studying for finals and working. Since it has been so long I’ll give you the updates in somewhat of a chronological order. I’ll start from when I stopped writing right up until today, and I promise you today is gonna be captivating!
Late March
Los Juanes
Lets start things off write with some bonefied multimedia. While in Greece they had a music station that played basically 6 videos over and over again 24 hours a day. Luckily one of them was incredibly addictive. It's by a Spanish artist, Los Juanes he's huge aparently??? Anyways, here is the video entitled Camisa Negra. Listen to it all the way through, I promise you will get as addicted as I did.
I do need to head out soon, time has run short. But below you'll find a list of other things I'll be adding to my list of highlights from the past month. Be sure to come back soon to check them out!
John's Birthday
Another year has come and gone and John (my grandfather is another year older), how old though? I wouldn't be able to tell you. I found out once but forgot pretty quickly - memory of a goldfish with the attention span of a squirrel I have. But can't hold that against John! This was probably one of the more memorable but least wanted birthdays this year but hey, you're here and we all love you very much. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!
Wallace gets GI stasis

Many of you know how accident prone I am. I have walked into large eye level signs, massive posts, and am convinced that doorframes shrink to trick me. This time it was the last Friday of March and I needed to catch shuttle to Mac to print a poster before everyone went home for the weekend. Being incredibly paranoid of being late I left the house with a little less than 20 minutes to make it. This cut it a little close and I didn't have a watch on me, both combining to make for one paranoid Booth. The first half of the walk there seemed like forever - I hit every read light - so I sprinted for the finish. BAD IDEA! the weather was perfect, people were out strolling takeing extra long lunchs. I deeked left, right, then left again - BANG! Everyone turned to look at where the noise was coming from... Out of nowhere infront of the construction going on at Holt Renfrew jumped this massive pickup truck, hitting me square on the boney part of my elbow! And the maniac who was supposed to be driving it wasn't even in the cab! People these days, geez. I didn't feel much at the time but turns out the load noise was the top boney part of my elbow taking on the hard plastic cover of the rearview mirror. Within minutes it had swollen up nicely and an ugly bruise had reared angrily into appearance. I couldn't even move my freaking elbow properly for a couple of days, ugh. In the end I got to the bus completely red in the face and out of breath thinking I had seconds to spare.
The bus driver laughed and said "vous gagnez le prix!"
Ya, I won the prize, I made the bus!
Graduation dinner

April 3rd – Ash’s Birthday
April 3rd-4th – Conference, Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution
- poster presentation
April 4th – put down Jacques, my loved guinea pig
April 6th – eco 19 kegger and after party
April 8th – Japanese Steak house for Peter’s and Lena’s Birthdays
April 13th – Craig down from Quebec as ‘family’ for easter weekend.
April 14th – 1st big walk on the mountain for the season!
April 18th – last final EVER!
- down to Ottawa to visit Jenn for a couple of days and get British Passport
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